Feathers: free of animal abuse

When hearing about feather products, images or videos related to animal abuse may come to mind. However, there is a way to check that the feather is sourced from cruelty-free farms. Read more here:

The Responsible Down Standard is a global measure to certify the products and the obtaining of the feather and down to a process free of animal abuse.

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What is RDS looking for?

It aims to ensure that there is no abuse, not only in the process of obtaining the feather (which is never done while the animal is alive), but throughout its rearing. In addition, it encourages the decline of a cruel industry, showing them the advantages of respecting these standards.

The RDS strictly prohibits force-feeding, plucking, and feathering from live birds. In addition, they supervise each process with the help of professionals certified in methods free of animal abuse.

There are so many certified farms in the world that bad practices for obtaining feather and down are being left behind, thus fighting animal abuse. The certification also consists of several filters to obtain it, and constant inspection, so that control is always present.

Thanks to RDS, companies like ours know how the materials are acquired to make the products, and we know everything about the process of obtaining the feathers.

On RDS farms, the feather is obtained from ducks and geese that have continued to be raised for their meat. This means that organic materials are used to the maximum, avoiding the unnecessary production of other materials.

Big brands like The North Face and Columbia also source the feathers from RDS certified farms, showing their commitment to improving animal welfare.

Keep in mind that the feather is a natural, biodegradable product that does not require fossil fuels for its production. In addition, it reduces the use of plastic and other synthetic materials.

You can learn more about the subject by going to the Responsible Down page. You can learn how other well-known brands achieved this certification to fight against animal abuse.

If you were interested in this note, do not hesitate to read our article on Perks of sleeping with a feather pillow

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